The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Your Back Again


Adam Gilson

your back is to me again
we know what that means
these silent screams that echo
in every fear of me

and would you put this on your wall?
would you put this in your soul?

ragged metal stolen from trash can
soldered smelted melted welded
deft fingers turning yearning burning the pieces to
fell the demons
and capture them on your wall

so tell me with your back to me
what it means when you laugh
that laugh that hides a self hatred
silent silent silent echo echo

how can it be that way?
a collage of your ire on the

An argument of raised eyebrows and
sidelong glances

your front is to my back now
what does that mean?
i have no way out of this
i have no walls

so the blood stained sleeves
and the empty cigarette boxes
stand lonely testament to my
my only wall

silent echo's on a wall that
isn't there
with our backs turned
makes me feel that
i should wear red more

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