The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

I'm Nobody


Alisha Morgan

I'm nobody -
Who are you?
I'm not all there,
Yet I'm very sane.
I may talk about serial killers
But that doesn't mean I'm going to kill you.

I'm nobody -
The one who doesn't know your name,
But has seen your face.
I might tell you off one day,
If the mood is right -
You can never tell how I might react,
Or how bad my temper will be.

I'm nobody -
But I'm just fine with that.
I have peace within,
Where it once was not.
I know who I am -
Yet, I question everything.

I'm nobody -
And that's how I prefer to be.
I don't want a lot of attention,
That imagery does not suit me.
Let me lead my quiet life,
And all will be as it should.

I'm nobody -
And I know we're alike.
We have those feelings,
The ones that keep us bound together.
Yes, I love you,
Even if I shouldn't.

I'm nobody -
Yes, I lie
And plot,
And plan,
And do those things that one shouldn't.
Yet, I'm not as bad as you.

I'm nobody -
That is probably true to most Christians.
Their God is not mine,
And that's a crime to them.
My Atheist ways seem unholy -
But maybe they are the unholy ones.

I'm nobody -
But there are those who think differently -
My dear Bipolar Maniac,
My Soft Hearted Twin,
The Strange Obsidian Butterfly, who is much like me.
And, the Mother, who puts me above all.

I'm nobody -
Who are you?
I'm the one bursting with ideas,
The one who speaks passionately
The one who observes from afar,
And the one who is, above all -

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