The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

I Didn't Tell You


Caterina Kenworthy

I didn't tell you that I loved you the same way you loved her
I didn't tell you that I'd cried over you because I was unsure

I didn't tell you that it hurt me when you asked me what to say
I didn't tell you that something you said could make or break my day

I didn't tell you that I wished you meant it when you said I love you
I didn't tell you that for while I was lost, and didn't know what to do

I didn't tell you that you were always and forever in my head
I didn't tell you that when you talked about her my heart was like lead

I didn't tell you that I shudder and smile it when you say sweet things to me
I didn't tell you that I'm happiest when we're on the phone at three

I didn't tell you that I'd imagined being wrapped up in your arms
I didn't tell you that I so admired your many quirks and charms

I didn't tell you I feared more then anything you didn't even consider me
I didn't tell you the days we didn't speak filled my mind with melancholy

With all of what I haven't told you bottled up inside
I wonder if I have more to say to you then I do to hide

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