The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Witness To Chaos


Charles Okafor

 [for all the children of the world, who are victims of justless wars]

A rosy morn
Suddenly the tocsin is set atoll
The last words spewed beside a noxious scene,
Tingling my heart, my emasculated spirit
I see platoons in horrendous strides
And barrels up and ready to speak
The blues roaring like charged tigers
And upon this cliff, brother
Watching the violent smoke thicken,
The rumpus of a thousand rude rifles,
Mingled with the blood of more a thousand
Upon the Earth lying still as the walls of Zaria.
Brother, you wipe your tears and ask;
Who shall hold the obsequies for these children?
Who shall vivify those ruinous and desolate villages
Of murdered future, of depressed laughter?

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