The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Ghost in Your Town


D. A. Williams

I am out on the road
And on my way home
So I pass through your town
To see the places I'd known
That place on the corner
Is where you asked me to meet you
You were worried I'd get lost
When I first came to see you
The station to my left
We've stopped a hundred times for gas
But they look kind of busy
And so I drive right past
There is Anna's on my right
I need a bite to eat
I think I will stop in
To get a hot roast beef
I could drive down this road
Just down to the reception hall
Our wedding party was there
We were happy and had a ball
But there is a church up ahead
Where our vows were made
I think I will park up there
And eat my lunch in the shade
I am heading back home
And I pass your best friend
But she doesn't recognize me
Or this truck that I am in
The thoughts of you and I evoked
Everywhere that I look around
You will never know how bad this hurts
To be a ghost in your town

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