The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

What Should I Say?


D. A. Williams

What if I
Had left you alone
Right at the one time
That you needed me most
Should I have thought of myself
Put my dreams first
Just walked away from you
When you said
You were gonna give birth

What kind of man would I be
In the eyes of the Lord
What would be said of me
Had I run for the door
That I was worthless
A piece of sh*t
A cowardly father
What would be said
If I hadn't been there for you
While giving birth to our daughter

Come on: open it up
Give the honest opinion
Then you'll understand why
There is rage in my eyes
Whenever your name is mentioned
You see at one point in time
I needed you too
But when I turned to look
Where the hell were you?

Gone away from here
Left me all alone
Now you want me to be
Calm and civil
When we speak on the phone
You walked away
And left me to deal
With the pain inside
And the fear that I feel

The tests came back
Today is a good day
The doctors couldn't find
A tumor in my brain
So now onto you
Something you want today?
Oh... my open, honest opinion
Let's see, what should I say?

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