The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Love’s Redemption Are The Two Thousands


Daniel Gallik

She deliberated that not
so much was linked to
a single man as to his
mood. "I mean, the mayhem
in him stalled the cues
of cod fish within my
lazy spirits." She and
him were over. Aural

gains came to her self.
"I will leaf through this
year’s Acme catalog.
The fishing’s been no good.
I mean, nothing is going
that wrong this moment."
Firmly against the wall,
she spoke of usual grief.

Then her cell buzzed and
the words out of it said
"Sorry I’m a fistful of
sounds, but with nary
a brain to make them.
Cuzz of this, do you like,
forgive me? ...Will keep
this on til battery dies."

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