The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

Do Tickle My Fancy


Dave Frazier

Oh my, fancy fellow, so pretty a chap!

Frivolous are you with a feather in your cap?

Fittingly so, for I venture to guess,

Fortuitous are you to engage in such dress!

For I fancy a fellow with feather in cap,

So dashing his flashing, not bashful a chap!

Who engages such a feather to my employ.

To do so would garnish my favor, dear boy!

The feather you willingly wear on your head,

Is it present as only decoration I dread?

Such titillating tickling; could that be your device?

To tempt me and tease me and please me so nice?

To flutter around me; up, down, all about,

Seemingly ceaseless, I sense I may shout!

A woman so wanton, what would a man say?

In society's sobriety, to engage in such play?

But care not and fear not, fine fellow I call!

For I care not to say what takes place at all.

When my fancy has been tickled; I am not remiss.

Pretty fellow, feather so fancy, I shall dismiss!

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