The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website



Devin E. Davidson

To my best friend J - this one's for you

Life is a hustle, like it or not
Life is a game, like grandma's bingo night
Life is a toss up, some win and some lose
Life is merely an act, act of survival
Survival is not to survive, but to expand
Expand is to strategize
Strategize is to reach new levels
Reaching new levels means to finish old ones
People in this game, some will help, some will deceive.
People in this game, some will have faith
Some will take your last breath
Some look back on life and say,
Thank God I made it to see another day
Others will look back on life and say,
Thanks a lot God why am I still here to stay
Whether you are sitting in jail, or on the Wall Street floor,
Don't ever sit back and say, life what for
Cause you only have one, don't make it a bore

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