The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Cry of the Innocent


Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

O, God, You were very Gracious and Kind

That you brought us form nothingness to existence

That You sent us to earth, on Your own will not ours

But we had just opened our eyes there

We had just learnt how to smile and weep

We had just cherished the lovely kisses of our mothers

We had just received the cool shade of our fathers’ eyes

We had just started drawing some figures on the ground

With our tiny fingers, in the dust

We had just been prepared to go to schools

We had just started enjoying the company of our play-group

We had just felt the warmth of our mothers’ breath in bed

When all of a sudden we were bombed and shattered into pieces

We were sent to the land of oblivion,

We were again changed into nothingness

By your grown up and powerful men

Can we ask You, O, God

And your grown up powerful men

What was our fault, what was our sin

That we were made the victims

Of such a horrible experiment and practice.

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