The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Where Is The Land of Peace


Ehsan Elahi Ehsan

There is the land of peace!
Just have a smile and go another mile
Peep into your heart
And set aside
All the jumble of wars
All this flimsy strife
And look to the mother love
Sitting like a peaceful dove
On its hopeful eggs
Dreaming of the peaceful days
When hearts would come to say
It is bad but not so bad
The world has still its charms
Still there is "God’s plenty"
Still the hearts can know
That love begets love
And all the distant hearts
Are throbbing with love and hope
And share their sorrows and pains
With whatever still remains
Don’t talk of wars and strife
And keep what is left of life
Just have a smile
And go another mile.

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