The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Game


Frank King

I was playing a game with my grandson...
and though I tried and I tried, still he won.
But what makes it so bad, this slick little lad...
won three games in a row to my none.

Still, I love playing this game with my grandson.
And if I win or I lose I don't care.
Whichever it may be doesn't matter to me...
I just cherish these moments we share!

He loves playing this game with his granddad...
and he's smart and he's good at the game.
But will his interest subside if I turn the tide...
or will he want to play on just the same?

I sure hope he will want to keep playing.
And should he lose not think it so bad...
but have joy in his heart for sharing a part
of his day with his dear old granddad!

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