The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

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Gala Ruiz Maldonado

I'm falling down down down this dark black hole

How far it goes no one can really know

People think I should be damned

Cause once again I screwed up everything that they had planned

I used to cut my self with a kitchen knife

So much for that happy life

Happy life right down the drain

Happy life I'll never see it again

Happy life I tried to tell you all goodbye

Happy life now you see why

I do all these things just for you

But all the pain I trully feel inside, you'll never have a clue

You say you understand and you too know how it is to feel this way

But you don't have to deal with the big shit, I'm the one who really has to pay

Pay for offering my heart to you

Pay for doing all I can to understand you

Pay for helping you forget the bad memories

I pay for my kindness, my will to make others strong

I pay for trying to do what's right even though it always tears me up inside
So now I pay, I pay with the only thing that I have left

Something that hasn't ever meant much to others who don't see what I do for them every day

I Pay With My Life

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