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The World's Favourite Literary Website

One Cabin Boy


Janice Engle

A captain of a ship took sail
upon the ocean deep
He sat below the battle ship
as they tarried out to sea

The shipmates carried out their chores
as the captain made his plans
to wander within forbidden seas
within another's land

They knew that he would have to face
another battle soon
and on that day as they approached
the time was set to noon

Within the waters up ahead
there was another ship
as they prepared to fight for life
their battle ship was hit

They didn't even have a chance
to defend themselves at sea
But the captain knew what he must do
as they all began to flee

"Man the lifeboats!" the captain called
they all began to scurry
"You must be quick! were sinking low ,"
with that the shipmates hurried

The ship was emptied very fast
the captain went below
one cabin boy went after him
the captain told him ,"GO!"

"Captain Sir,! we must get off ,the ships about to sink!"
"Look cabin boy you've done me well , and as you surely know,
"The captain goes down with his ship
To the dark cold seas below,"

"You need not die ,captain sir,
The lifeboats wait below,"
That's when a tear fell from his eyes
He knew he had to go

"I'm sorry , son I have to stay
You see she is my life
I beg you now to leave me be
I must pray before I die

The cabin boy with tear filled eyes
jumped off the ship at sea
You see it was his father
the captain they called Lee

They watched the ship those men at sea
and as she went below
They prayed a prayer for captain lee
their friend who they loved so

They never sailed another ship
they never went to sea
for memories would linger there
of their dear captain lee

What could have caused a man to die
when he could have rowed to shore
the love he had upon the sea
and ! the ship he'd sail no more

Janice Engle copyright 2003

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