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The World's Favourite Literary Website

All I Want Is To Be Free


Little Nikita

He won’t accept its over; he keeps on calling me,

I’m so tired of saying no now; I just want to be free.

How am I supposed to ignore the pain locked away in my heart,

If he keeps begging and pleading to make a fresh start?

I try to move on and get on with my life,

But he keeps sending roses with a note asking me to be his wife,

He won’t accept its over; he keeps on loving me,

From his love all I want to do is flee.

I took the phone off the hook, so he came to my door,

I kept telling him over and over again I don’t love you anymore

But he wouldn’t believe it; he said I just needed time,

He truly thinks one day we’ll just be fine.

He took all the love I gave him and he threw it away,

And now he’s got nothing he begs me for one more day,

I can’t forgive him; I just want to forget,

But he just keeps insisting its not over yet.

He doesn’t seem to understand goodbye,

He lives in hope and all he does is try

Its not me he loves anymore, he’s just in love with a dream

A dream he destroyed long ago, a dream that can never be.

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