The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website



Maria Reylan Garcia

(Inspired by : Tsubasa Chronicles)

Every single strand of my mem’ry
And thus, every feather of my soul
They have but one common dream to tell
That lingers through time, forevermore

I cried and wept the day you forgot
About how we were since time began
How we have own the world together
Witnessing the sun’s dawn and setting

Fate’s despair I couldn’t bare to take
I can see you, hear you and touch you
But it seems that, you are not just there
You’re broken into bits of fragments

I pity you, Oh you lifeless soul!
How sadder it must be for you
I’ll travel, go forth towards the end
In search of your memories, I pray

I’ll become strong, I’ll fight and battle
Regain your soul, for you to come back
To have you in my arms once again
To be with you, soaring in our dreams

I’ll journey to every world, and time
Not to rest until you are complete
I won’t stop until I have brought
Sunshine to your dim and gloomy world

I’ll bring back every strand of mem’ry
I’ll regain every thread of your soul
I’ll bring hope to your beautiful face
A love, a love that’s worth everything

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