The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Let me Die


Marsha Lanning

I feel as if I shall die at any time
I feel my life slowing down
My breath and my heart is slowing as well
I don't know why this is happening to me
My heart is breaking day and night
Why do things always happen when they shouldn't
I wish I could change time
Go back and stop things from happening
But it would still find its why back
My life is going nowhere
When will it end
It makes me want to give up
When am I going to die
When can I die
I want to die
People say things happen for a reason
What was the reason this time
Are you scared of me
You look like you are
Your only scared of what you don't understand
Things happen for a reason remember
So when I die tonight
It was for one of your reasons
So let me die
Let me end my Life
Let Me Die!

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