The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Nobody Said It Was Easy


Nicole Starleigh Yeager

Have you ever fallen in love
And for one reason or another
Couldn't be with the one you care so much for
And every day was agony
As you hoped and prayed for some way
To be with them again

And the empty hole in your heart constantly
Reminding you of how much you had
But that you realized too late
Just how much you felt for them
And still feel
Even from a painful distance

Every little thing makes you think of them
And the only way to stop missing them
Is to keep yourself so busy
You don't have time to hurt
But no matter how busy you try to keep yourself
You still find time to feel the pain

Even though you've tried seeing other people
To replace that person in your heart
All they do is make you remember him or her
They just cannot fill his place
Because he is the one you love
You just didn't realize it in time

Staying alone on purpose is a sure way
To avoid the pain of heartbreak again
You say that's the way you want it
But what you really want
Is to give him everything you have to give
To just hold him in your arms, and never let go

But you have to let go
Though the pain will not go away fast enough
You know it will some day
But still you hold onto the hope
That you can go back to the start
Because hope is all you have... to keep you alive inside

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