The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

Dear God - Do You Remember Me?


Ray Wayne

I open my eyes, as if it was tomorrow
There is mud, rain, and rifle fire
Why are they shooting at me?
Where are my buddies?

Dear God - do you remember me?
I am the kid that believed in Santa Claus
The kid that hunted Easter eggs in the park
I played little league baseball and went to Sunday School.

God, do you remember when I threw spit balls at the blackboard
Ran faster than the wind,
And now I find myself in some awful foreign land
Trying to figure why I am here at all.

God, do you believe in war?
People shooting people?
What are we proving?
Why won’t they stop shooting?

God do you remember me?
I was the good guy playing cowboys and Indians
The guy with the white hat
The kid that took the blame - for someone else.

I remember turning eighteen
With my whole life in front of me
And as I lay here in the mud, I think -
How long will my life be?

I’ve been hit - I don’t know how bad
But I hear someone coming - I’m not sure - theirs or ours
I think of Mom and Dad - worrying about me
Dear God - Please Remember Me.

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