The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Dust Speaks Out


Uzma Sadaf

Now when I have become
The dust of graves
When I am nothing
Even then
Sometimes the fragrances of the graveyard
Would be following you
And you would be running like a mad man
Yes you would be thinking
You would be plucking the parts of your body
And would be saying what is all this
There would be many questions
Disturbing your mind
And then you would be finding some answers
Then you would be over-fatigued by this
You would be feeling defeated
You would be thinking what is all this
And why it is so
I tell you, why this dust speaks out
And why man changes into dust
But no you must thinking yourself
Yes you would be thinking
When you would be passing through
These deserted places
You would definitely be thinking.

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